Dont’ just take it from us!
See how our client’s lives are transforming.

  • “I haven't even finished this but this just single-handedly changed my life.”

    — mirandasilva1001

  • “Your exercises changed my life… Thank you. 🥰”

    — claudia.gallo.pd

  • “Your work has changed my life, truly!”

    — azeezahgoodwin

  • "I have been doing this specific video EVERY single day. It has changed my life! Saved my life even. I was anxious 24/7. Since doing this religiously for almost a month my anxiety has gone down to a ZERO. "

    — baker540

  • "Thank you!!!! You’ve changed my life ❤️"

    — b228685

  • "I'm so grateful for you. I'm learning to love myself and care for my nervous system."

    — joyousandgrateful

  • "You have changed my life. Thank you."

    — rderivers

  • "You are life-changing!"

    — thatgirlv188

  • "This may have just saved my life…"

    — samisbelle

  • "This helped me more than a year with my psychologist."

    — luci.laa

  • "You might have just saved my life."

    — ncluv24

  • "Thank you for this. The life I've always dreamed of starts now. 🫶"

    — ishaaaasuhail

  • "Is there such a thing as too much confidence? 😂 I've hit a new level x"

    — tanyamcnaught0

  • "My stomach got flatter after I did this one thing.. TYSM!"

    - katherinegeroy

  • "This just changed my life. Thank you! 👏"

    — delanye.greene

  • "I just lost 4.2lbs in one week. My only explanation is your tapping. Thank you!"


  • "You are amazing 🤍 learning how to regulate my nervous system has been life changing. My anxiety has significantly decreased! Thank you ❤️!"

    — dairsmarcamille

  • "You literally changed my life. Thank you so much ❤️"


  • "Been doing your exercises for a month now and my body is already looking more toned and I haven't even been working out!"

    — katymclendon1

  • "I got my period back after Day 1 of doing this and my metabolism was definitely really fast"


  • "it's been a week since I started doing this and I've lost 2kgs"


  • "I'm crying, thank you SO frigin much. I didn't know what was going on with my body until now, and now I feel hopeful for my body"


  • "Your videos are so helpful. I have not binged since and started dropping weight because the binging has finally stopped!! Blessings!!"


  • "You have no idea how much you just changed my life! Thank you so much!"


  • “Thank you so much, this really changed my life. I feel free and have a sense of acceptance for myself”


  • "This has been a game changer! It's crazy how much your life can change within a month!"


  • "You've already changed my life after only a few exercises supporting my nervous system! 🫶🏽 thank you for your work! love seeing women use their super power to help others step into theirs!"

    -Sina P


You deserve to share your light with the world. You can step into freedom, peace and confidence just like our amazing clients have!

  • "this just single handedly changed my life!!"

    — Miranda S.

  • "My worth, value and beauty doesn't come from my apperance or what I do or accomplish. I've come so far to get to this point and I'm SO EXCITED!❤️❤️❤️"

    — Caitlyn N.

  • "My body is alrady looking more toned and I haven't even been working out. I've been doing her exerises for around a month now"

    — Katy Mclendon

  • "You have helped me SO much. I wasn't sleeping and having really bad panic attacks. I honestly didn't think there was a way for me to get better. Thank you so much ❤️

    — Katie K

  • “Your work has changed my life, truly!”

    — Azeezah Goodwin

  • "You have changed my life. Thank you."

    — R. Derivers

  • "I just wanted to say thank you for changing my life this year. I have been able to leave the house more without panic, manage my anxiety and I feel so much more confident in my clothes!"

    — Loring H.

  • "This has been a GAME CHANGER!!! It's crazy how much your life can change within a month!"

  • "You are amazing 🤍 learning how to regulate my nervous system has been life changing. My anxiety has significantly decreased. Thank you!!❤️"

    — Daismar Camille

  • "You have helped me so much, what a game changer. I have energy all day long and my life has improved! Thank you so much! Keep killing it you're helping lots of women!!"

    — Amanda W

  • "I've been doing your exercises every single day. It has chaned my life. SAVED my life even!! I was anxious 24/7 and since doing this for a month my anxiety has gone down to almost ZERO!"

    — Kyli B.

  • "I've been doing your exercises for only a week and I feel like they've cured my panic disorder. Thank you thank you!!! Nothing else has helped. I have PCOS and I've even lost weight which is incredible!"

    — Michelle Taillard

  • "The life I've always dreamed of starts now ❤️"

    — Isha A

Hi! I’m Stefanie

"The best decision I made for myself. When I came to work with her I had lost some weight in the year previous and STILL didn't feel good enough. She is amazing. I now feel so differently about myself. I had that belief "I'll be good enough when..." There was always something I had to change to be good enough and I don't feel that way anymore. I finally feel good enough as I am! Body, personality, ME! I finally feel like I can shine my light and be who I am. I'm honestly blown away by how differently I feel about myself. I like myself! DO IT, invest in yourself you will not regret it, she's amazing!"

"I never ever thought I would say that I have an excellent relationship with food now. I cannot even put into words how happy I am. I am able to be fuelled by my food. I am happy in myself & confident. I cannot describe how you've changed my life for the better. I honestly am and will be forever grateful for your work. You are so inspiring and amazing"

— Aíne G

"Before meeting Giulia, I honestly never thought that I'd be able to overcome the struggles with my body and food in my life. Now, I'm the most confident I've ever been in my body image and my life!. My days of calorie counting and dieting are over. I don't indulge in any self sabotaging behaviours like emotional eating anymore."

— Onami R

"This was a completely life changing experience. My body image has completely changed. I’m totally confident in myself. It has been so life changing to take ownership of who I am again. She is amazing and I recommend her to everyone!"

— Tali S.

Hi! I’m Caitlyn

My whole life has changed! It’s unlike anything else! The work of the program gets tot he core of your struggles and issues. You’ll feel freedom like you never thought possible! 

Prior to joining my biggest struggle was the constant cycle of negative self thoughts. I hated not being able to stop them. Even worse, not knowing how to stop them. The struggles made me a prisoner of my own mind, I was constantly overthinking. Everything I did in life was about how my body looked. How I thought others perceived me. I wasn’t seeing value in my body or in myself. 

My whole life has changed! I have joy! I celebrate accomplishments in my life. I am loving and accepting of my body. Giving it kindness and grace instead of punishment. I’ve lost weight without dieting or over exercising. My business has taken off. My relationships are flourishing and healthier. This has improved every area of my life! ”.

"I f*cking Love Giulia, I can't recommend her enough. She's so badass. I came to work with Giulia for body confidence, confidence in general and self esteem and I will say that we've done a LOT more than that. I'm so so grateful for her I can't speak higher of her I love Giulia."

— Ksenia A

"Since I’ve started (a month ago), I’ve seen a MAJOR shift in my personality and my body already and even major shits in my personal life. Since I’ve started doing all the exercises every day, my personality has changed I’m more calmer from the inside, and even my body has changed. It feels amazing! It’s something that I’ve never done before. I’m also no longer taking sleeping pills which is HUGE! The feeling I feel in my body is something that I’ve never experienced before! The way I talk to myself is different, I’m kind to myself. My digestive system has also completely changed. I see food and my favourite snacks and I’m not tempted. I don’t feel the urge anymore. It’s amazing! I’m so happy!"

— Sara B

"Working with Giulia and this program, has completely changed my life and revolutionized how I feel about my body, live in my body, and what I do day to day to nurture my body.I cannot sing the praises loud enough for Giulia and the Brazen solution it’s completely changed my life. I cannot stress enough how transformational this program is."

— Lenore M

Hi! I’m Melissa

I’ve dreamed of this moment. Part of me didn’t think it was possible to ever get here. It feels like such an accomplishment! I was so wrapped up in how I felt I looked before that it didn’t feel possible to have a healthy relationship. But now it feels like everything is coming to fruition. Before I would think things like “oh my thighs are so fat” but now I have such a kinder view of my body. I like it I thank it. I I feel this high feeling in my heart. The things that I thought were impossible in the past are actually quite possible! Change is possible! I My thoughts are dominated by loving thoughts now. I get to be my authentic self now, the version I was always meant to be”.

"YES QUEEN! Everyone should sign up! Best investment EVER! She's made the impossible become possible for me! I've really blossomed, I am NOT the same person I was when I started this program. She is literally an angel on earth, she is heaven sent. I'm taking action from a place of joy and my highest self. I now have all the energy to harness and manifest the life that I want, and put my dreams into reality! Book a call today!"

— Juhi G

"It was a life changing experience, I might be Giulia's biggest fan! I was at my wits-end. I did so much self work in programs and work with therapists and other coaches but STILL lacked confidence, I had weight to lose and couldn't figure out why I couldn't lose it. I felt undesirable and lacked a lot of self value. Working with Giulia has led to so many shifts that have measured up in an insurmountable way. She helped me identify stories that I had been carrying my whole life that were sabotaging me. I learned how to set those down and what to pick up in their place. I learned who my authentic self was and how to embody her. I cannot recommend Giulia enough and cannot imagine my life without her support."

— McKenna B

"If you are looking for that little nudge to work with Giulia, this is me saying "GO GIRL JUST DO IT". It's worth its weight in gold. These are tools you will have for the rest of your life. Working with her was a dream, I felt safe supported and loved which is SO important when working on these deep rooted issues. I can't recommend her enough. Sign up to work with her you won't be disappointed!"

— Holly A

Hi! I’m Lisa

Just do it! This program is transformational. Giulia is generous, kind and loving. If you are willing to commit to the work you will not regret it. I wish everyone knew that there is a more fulfilling way to live.  When I joined this program I was struggling with obsessively thinking and judging my body negatively. I was having anxiety attacks struggling with depression, and the feeling of wanting to leave my body. After being a part of this program I have a sense of ease, tools that give me the ability to course correct, more positivity and patience. I went from frustrated to content! ”.

"Before taking Giulia's program I had struggled my whole life with body image issues, I wanted to delve into what was behind it and be able to release it because it was such a waste of my energy. She is a real master at this. You'll have so much energy for other things because you're not expending so much energy on "how do I look, what am I wearing, what are they thinking". I'm genuinely SO much happier about my LIFE and so much more clear. I'm really impressed with the program. If you have the opportunity to do it, I HIGHLY recommend it."

— Andrea D

"The best decision I made for myself. When I came to work with her I had lost some weight in the year previous and STILL didn't feel good enough. She is amazing. I now feel so differently about myself. I had that belief "I'll be good enough when..." There was always something I had to change to be good enough and I don't feel that way anymore. I finally feel good enough as I am! Body, personality, ME! I finally feel like I can shine my light and be who I am. I'm honestly blown away by how differently I feel about myself. I like myself! DO IT, invest in yourself you will not regret it, she's amazing!"

— Stefanie N.

"I had such a fraught relationship with food and knew that dieting wasn't the answer. I experienced a profound shift in my relationship with food and my body. She was able to help me tap into my authentic self and break down subconscious limiting beliefs. I am so grateful for our time together and would recommend this program to anyone in a heartbeat!"

— Alison Z

Hi! I’m Matia

"After every session with Giulia it was like losing 20 lbs of emotional weight stripping away so much hurt, unworthiness. I actually lost 35 lbs but the most important thing I learned was....

You can just skip the weight loss and go straight to feel good enough. From the place of self love and enoughness, it's easy to eat well and exercise enjoy cheat foods without binging because you don't have that guilt and shame and self hate. So, HIRE GIULA, give her your money. Do it now. Run don't walk you will absolutely 100% be so grateful that you did. You can thank me later, I accept cash."

Hi! I’m Marina

“When I came to work with Giulia I was struggling with calorie/point/macro counting, restricting. I had also internalized lots of other rules and tips about weight loss/dieting.

I would overcomplicate everything and try to change everything from the outside with little-to-no success. I genuinely believed I would spend the rest of my life restricting BC if I didn't, it meant I would gain back all the weight I lost and that I was willing to die young never getting to experience the things I'd dream about because of the importance I placed on it and how much of my energy it took up.

The results I experienced from working with Giulia and the program were, less critical thoughts about myself, better energy levels, and I've stopped stepping on the scale taking measurements altogether. Calorie counting and binge eating ruled my life for over 15 years. In less than 3 months, I've stopped calorie counting, I no longer binge, and I'm not even worrying about my weight! I feel so inspired! I'm able to now focus on things in my life that are important to me! I have so much less anxiety and fear over food and I've overcome so much! I'm so proud of myself

It helped me to develop a thicker skin, go after my dream of wanting to take voice lessons, accomplish my childhood dream of writing my first novel before the age of 30, and family members have remarked about how different I am from who I used to be.

Now it’s becoming possible for me to become less hung up on society's expectations for beauty and success, sleep better on a regular basis, and eat in a normal way like I've always wanted to without freaking out about gaining weight.

What I would say to someone who is thinking of working with Giulia and this program is that it's the best money I've ever spent. There's so much I've learned that I wish I would have known when I was younger. And if you do join, you'll be shocked by how lucky you are to be a part of it.

My favourite part about it is the zoom meetings. The group's become like a second family to me and it feels great being among everyone at the same time even if we live in different places around the world.

One word to describe how I feel now would be revitalized.